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Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Georgia

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Thirty-One Faces of Hope: Misty Bligen

The lupus community includes people living with lupus, friends, family, and supporters across Georgia. For Lupus Awareness Month, we would like to highlight some of our lupus heroes and champions. 

Meet Misty Bligen

Hello, my name is Misty Salley-Bligen and I’m from Little Rock, Arkansas and I am Lupus Positive! I consider myself lupus positive because I am determined to make this diagnosis the “best thing that has ever happened to me!” What was meant to break me has only made me stronger. I have been sharing a platform with Lupus since 2010.

After diagnosis, I was afraid and lonely. I joined the foundation as a volunteer. I later became an advocate, and a walk-team captain! I found family, friends, and connection. This is where I first shared my story.

Ten months after seeing my 30th birthday, I found out that I was pregnant with my first child. Terrified out of my mind, yet joyous, I prepared for the arrival of a baby boy. I began to have complications. With nausea always a problem, at 20 weeks I was diagnosed with Lupus. By the time I reached my 31st week of pregnancy there was no fetal heartbeat.

He died May 12 and was born May 14, 2010, I named him George Ryan.

Before being diagnosed, I had no idea what lupus was. I had heard of it before, but I was in no way prepared for the sudden education of this disease. As an African American woman who grew up in an underprivileged neighborhood, education about a disease such as lupus was not prevalent.

Now that I fast forward to the age of 43, my family and I have researched and learned about this disease. We now know that an aunt, a niece, and me are all sufferers of this disease. I want people to be educated about lupus. Education brings about motivation. Motivation brings about change. When we know better, we do better!

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsor


Choosing to prioritize your kidney health might be uncomfortable, but the reality is that up to 30% of people who live with lupus nephritis may experience kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis or even a kidney transplant. Luckily, there are steps you can take now that may help, such as scheduling routine tests and asking your doctor about treatment options. Talk to your doctor to learn more about routine testing and treatment.

Learn more about their GET UNCOMFORTABLE campaign.