Programs and Services
We support everyone affected by lupus. Whether you are living with lupus, a parent, spouse or loved one - we're your partner on this journey.
The Lupus Foundation of America provides education and support services to people affected by lupus. We collaborate with experts to provide clear, easy-to-use information, programs and resources to help you navigate every step of your journey with lupus.
Our programs and services are personalized for who you are and what you need.
A questionnaire to help people find out if their symptoms could be related to lupus and learn more about the importance of early diagnosis.
This collection provides up-to-date resources and information on lupus – allowing people with lupus to learn how the disease affects different aspects of life.
Certified health education specialists are available to answer questions and provide caring support to people with lupus, their families, and caregivers.
A 12-week email series designed to introduce people with lupus to tips and resources that can help them better manage lupus and its everyday challenges.
A free educational series offers people with lupus, their families and friends a way to learn more about the latest in lupus research and managing the disease.
Support Groups provide a safe and understanding environment where people with lupus can come together to ask questions, listen to others, or lend a helping hand. Find groups by interest or region.
Strategies to Embrace Living with Lupus Fearlessly (SELF) is a free online, self-care program that provides tailored support to people with lupus in managing symptoms, stress, medications and working with their health care team.
Research Accelerated by You, or RAY, allows people with lupus and caregivers to share information about their lupus journey with researchers to help develop new medicines and improve disease outcomes.
A monthly podcast featuring lupus experts to help people with lupus to live better.
LupusConnect™ is an online community where members can engage with others to share experiences and find emotional support.
Our resources are backed by medical expertise and the latest research.
Our programs and services are focused on you – who you are and what you need.
We provide clear, easy-to-use information to help you navigate every step of your journey with lupus.

We have a national network of chapters, offices, and support groups.