Get Involved
Join the cause by staying informed, making a donation, joining an event or becoming an advocate for those with lupus and their families.
There are a lot of ways you can take action to advance our cause of ending lupus. Start your own event, make a donation, participate in a walk, or make others more aware of the disease. Get started here!
All over the country, lupus warriors and heroes walk together to raise funds and spread awareness. Find where you can join them.
Join us in getting the US government to commit to advancing lupus research.
Raise awareness and critical funds to help bring an end to this devastating disease by getting your company and colleagues involved!
Fundraise in any way you can think of. Whether you throw a party or sporting event and combine it with fundraising, host a livestream, or even donate a portion of sales from a product you sell, you can Make Your Mark on lupus.
The vast majority of people don't know what lupus is or how it affects the body. You can help change that.
Whether you are a novice or experienced athlete, you can combine running, cycling, swimming or walking with fundraising through a race of your choice or our week-long physical challenge, the Virtual 6 Challenge.