Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Georgia
Thirty-One Faces of Hope: LaToya Doby-Holmes
The lupus community includes people living with lupus, friends, family, and supporters across Georgia. For Lupus Awareness Month, we would like to highlight some of our lupus heroes and champions.
Meet LaToya Doby-Holmes
My journey with lupus has not been easy. I have been living with lupus over half of my adult life. This disease was unknown to me. In the beginning I was depressed and felt despairing because my knowledge was limited and all I knew was there was no cure and I was in constant pain. After getting over the shock of my diagnosis, I started to educate and take care of myself so I could manage my pain and live with lupus. I have experienced every symptom associated with lupus; hair loss, fatigue, joint and body pain, memory loss, skin rashes, weight gain, headaches and sensitivity to light. Lupus has affected my skin, lungs and kidneys. The Lupus Foundation of America, Georgia Chapter has supported me and many others with our fight. They have taught me how to be advocate!
I share my story to encourage others with lupus. We can make lupus visible by raising awareness and educating friends, family and others about lupus and it’s affects. Despite my challenges with lupus, I have realized that I am a “Lupie Warrior.” I am so honored and humbled by the love and support of my family and friends. They motivate and inspire me daily to keep fighting. This will be my fourth year as the Walk Chair for the Augusta Walk to End Lupus Now and I hope that you will join me in Augusta to raise awareness and funds to combat lupus.
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsor
Choosing to prioritize your kidney health might be uncomfortable, but the reality is that up to 30% of people who live with lupus nephritis may experience kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis or even a kidney transplant. Luckily, there are steps you can take now that may help, such as scheduling routine tests and asking your doctor about treatment options. Talk to your doctor to learn more about routine testing and treatment.
Learn more about their GET UNCOMFORTABLE campaign.