Legislative Action Center
Take action in support of people living with lupus
Our mission is to create a world without lupus, and the voices of our advocates are one of the most powerful tools we have. Together with our advocates, we have pushed forward massive policy change and generated more than $163 million in federal funding for lupus research and education.
On this page, you'll find everything you need to be an effective advocate and start taking action in support of the lupus community. Look up your members of Congress and learn which committees they sit on. Refresh your memory on how the legislative process works. Tell your story and inspire others to start advocating and join us in the fight against lupus. All those opportunities and more are right here.
In just a few minutes, you can make an enormous impact in the fight against lupus. You don’t need any special skills or experience – just your story and your voice.
The people who represent you in Congress and your state and local governments have enormous decision-making power. Enter your address and we'll tell you who they are, the committees they serve on, and how you can get in touch with them about the issues that matter to you.
Find Your Elected OfficialsThe Congressional Lupus Caucus raises awareness and urges support for lupus research and education among their colleagues on Capitol Hill. With just a few clicks, you can find out if your Representative is on the Caucus.
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A major part of being an effective advocate is understanding when your outreach to Congress will have the biggest impact. We’ll always let you know when those times are, but it's still helpful to understand the process and refresh your memory about how an idea becomes a law.
When you tell your lupus story, you provide hope and inspiration for all the lupus warriors fighting this cruel disease. If you're an advocate who has lupus or has been touched by this disease, share your story and show others why and how you advocate.
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