Personal Stories
Michele M. – Diagnosed at age 35

I was diagnosed at age 35, 6 months after my daughter was born. I believe I lived with this since I was 17. I remember a couple of times I was so fatigued. I could not move my legs or get out of bed. I would always get diagnosed with walking pneumonia, had chickenpox at age 23, had a hard time getting pregnant and was diagnosed with endometriosis. I had my gallbladder and thyroid cancers removed and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I have always had the butterfly rash, light sensitivity, and extreme fatigue. I have a nice cocktail of medicines and try to rest when needed. I am 51 now and I can still walk and work. There was a time when I would be depressed but I thank God every day I wake up!
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