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Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Kansas, Missouri, and Central & Southern Illinois

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Girl Holding Sign that says Lupus Will Not Hold Me Back
Raise Awareness of Lupus

There are many ways that you can join the Lupus Foundation of America in spreading awareness of lupus and help bring greater attention and resources to the fight to end lupus.

Ten Things You Can Do to Raise Awareness of Lupus

Your small way of raising funds and awareness for lupus can have a positive impact if you’re consistent and honest. Here are a few ideas but there are many ways to help. Get started today and start building awareness so that it can be turned into action in the near future.

1. Go Purple for Lupus!
Clothing and accessories are among the most common items you can use to display your support and increase awareness of lupus. Purple is the color we wear to promote lupus awareness. You can make your own t-shirt or wear a purple hat, or paint your toenails purple, you get the idea! 

May is Lupus Awareness Month. More information is coming soon about this important awareness day with more ideas of how we can paint the town purple. 

2. Raise Funds, Donate or Shop
The Lupus Foundation of America, Heartland Region needs donations to fulfill our mission. You can organize bake sales or garage sales, parties and more. There are so many options for raising funds these days; all you need is the right motivation and a little creativity. We can also help to promote your fundraising event on our social media. Need some help or materials?  Call our office at 314-644-2222.

Don't have the time or resources to conduct a fundraising activity? Don’t worry – there are lots of ways to give. 

3. Volunteer 
The Heartland has a small staff team so our volunteers are an integral part of our mission. We offer volunteer opportunities that empower all kinds of people to share their unique gifts to help make our mission possible. 

Learn More

4. Walk to End Lupus Now
Walk to End Lupus Now events are held in St. Louis and Kansas City to raise money for lupus research, increase awareness of lupus, and rally public support for those who suffer from its brutal impact. Each year, thousands of people across the country join forces with the Lupus Foundation of America and walk with one unified purpose - to end lupus.

Get Started

5. Use Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for spreading awareness. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share our posts or create your own. 

Signs & Symptoms of Lupus Sharable

Lupus Facts Sharable

Lupus in African American Women Sharable

6. Be Well Informed
A well-informed advocate is the best kind. You can answer questions from interested parties, debunk myths, and further educate your friends, family, co-workers, etc. A wealth of information is available on our website. Be certain you are only sharing information from reliable sources, there is a lot of misinformation out there.  

Lupus Resource Library

7. Raise Funds on Facebook 
Facebook makes it easy to tell others how you are working to end lupus and invite them to join you. Start a fundraiser to raise money for the Lupus Foundation of America and rally your friends and family to help you reach your goal. You can also have fun and raise awareness of lupus at the same time! The best part is that our chapter receives 100% of all donations received on Facebook, they take out no fees or charges!

Start a Facebook Fundraiser

8. Talk to Your Government Officials
The Lupus Foundation of America, Heartland Region promotes action on the federal, state and international levels on issues that will improve the lives of the 1.5 million Americans living with lupus. There is no cure for lupus and only one drug has been approved specifically for lupus in the past 56 years! We will continue working with Congress and federal and state agencies but we need your help to get more government funding for research, to encourage early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment, and to improve access to quality health care for everyone with lupus.

Sign Up as an Advocate - Make Your Voice Heard!

9. Share Information With Your Health Care Provider
Help raise awareness of lupus by telling your healthcare provider about the Lupus Foundation of America, Heartland and our programs and services. Ask them if you can leave information in the waiting room or provide to newly diagnosed lupus patients (see downloads below). 

10. Share Your Story
Nothing can be more believable than people who are campaigning and supporting a cause that they have experienced first-hand or through a loved one. Share your story online, reach out in your community to speak about your experience living with lupus, and share the signs and symptoms of lupus so others who may be experiencing these symptoms can get diagnosed sooner. You will lend credibility and strength to our cause just by sharing. Need some help or materials?  See below or call our office at 314-644-2222.

Downloadable Education & Awareness Materials

Understanding Lupus Flyer
This flyer explains what lupus is.

Could You Have Lupus Flyer
This flyer explains in depth the signs and symptoms of lupus.