How Can We Help You? Q&A With Lauren Metelski, Rn, Health Education Nurse Manager
What is the Health Educator Network?
We are a team of three full-time staff members who provide people impacted by lupus with non-medical counseling, disease education and information, and physician referral. I’m a registered nurse, but our team also includes an expert on insurance issues and a Spanish speaking educator for the Latino community.

Who contacts the Health Educator Network?
Over 300 people reach out to us every month, seeking answers to a wide variety of questions about lupus. Some people may be newly diagnosed and wonder how their lives will be impacted; others may need advice in navigating insurance questions. Whatever the reason for their outreach, they have a compassionate, knowledgeable lupus expert to assist them.
What else do the Health Educators do?
Our Health Educators are also at the forefront of the Foundation’s community outreach efforts. They work with organizations like the National Alliance on Hispanic Health, the Rheumatological Nurses’ Association and Mental Health America to share resources about lupus and raise awareness of the disease.
What other services does the Lupus Foundation of America offer to people with lupus?
We provide people with a variety of web-based tools to engage, share experiences and find emotional support. LupusConnectTM, is our online community moderated by our Health Educator team. Launched in 2018, it continues to grow as the most trusted online community for people impacted by lupus.
Our Health Educators also produce a monthly video series. The Expert Series gives viewers a 15 minute presentation on topics of interest to the lupus community. Available on YouTube and our website, topics have included managing flares, lupus and men, lupus and brain fog, and financing your medical care.
Our regional offices and local chapters provide a variety of services to people living with lupus.
Learn more about our programs and services. And of course, the most comprehensive web-based resource for living with lupus is available on our National Resource Center on Lupus.
How do I contact the Health Educator Network?
If you have any questions related to living with lupus, call (202) 239-1155 x 136 or visit this page.