Trinity B. - Diagnosed Age 13

Having lupus at a young age is not easy. I constantly have to explain to people why I take a lot of medicine or why I miss school a lot. I was only 13 almost 14 when I was diagnosed with lupus, my blood pressure was extremely high and I was in a lot of pain.
The doctors at University of Maryland hospital couldn't get it down so they began to run some tests to see why it was so high and they gave me some high blood pressure medicine. About 2-3 days later they found out I had lupus and told me and my parents. I was honestly in shock. I didn't know what lupus was but all I could remember asking was, why me god? I tried to live a normal life after I was diagnosed but it was so hard. I have to take medicine now and be careful with everything I do. Then in August I had a seizure, my lupus was acting up that day and I honestly thought I was going to die.
Even though lupus has affected me in a bad way I am proud to say I am a lupus warrior. Even though every day is a constant battle, I don't let it affect me. I pray that they make one pill that handles all the side effects and pains of lupus.