Delia Q. - Diagnosed at age 16

Well to tell my lupus story it is important to know what happened to me when I was 13. It was a normal day in 7th grade when I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. When I went I had burning sensation and all that was in the bowl was blood. I spent the whole day like that. When my dad picked me and my brother up I let him know. FYI at this point in my life I had not yet gotten my period. My dad tried to get me seen by a doctor, but nobody could see me. We eventually went home. I spent the whole day and night with pain.
My mom worked and would be home by midnight. I was sitting on the toilet when my mom came home. She took one look at me and she told my dad we have to take her to the hospital. We immediately went to Children's Hospital. I remember that day I had my first IV and was asked by a nurse who I wanted to stay with me. I said my mom. I overheard the doctor tell my mom that they were still waiting on tests and were unsure if I had a platelet problem or leukemia. That is all I remember. I then remember being in the physical therapy floor with a shaved head. Turns out after that I had a scare in where they called CODE BLUE to my room. I was rushed to surgery. I had a blood vessel burst in the brain and under the same anesthesia had my spleen removed. Mom says that the doctors told them that 99.9% chance I didn't resist the surgery. And the 0.1 % they didn't know how I would wake up.
After that I was discharged lived my life until I was 16. At 16 I started developing bruising that wouldn't go away. In the hospital I was told that because at 13 I was diagnosed with ITP I had developed lupus at 16.