New Study Reviews the Determinants of Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Lupus Nephritis
Pregnant women with lupus nephritis are at a high-risk of complications; however, there is limited scientific knowledge about the factors, which may lead to complications. A recent study provides updated data on the determinants of maternal and fetal complications of women with lupus nephritis. The study analyzed data from 84 French pregnancies and showed the main determinants for fetal and maternal complications as maternal age, pre-pregnancy hypertension, body mass index (BMI) of >25 kg/m2 and lupus disease activity. The study concluded that women with lupus nephritis who are in remission greater than 1 year before pregnancy could decrease the risk of renal flares and experience better outcomes. This is beyond the current international guidelines, which suggest a 6-month remission period prior to pregnancy. The research highlights the importance of intensive counseling and monitoring by nephrologist and obstetricians before and during pregnancies in women with lupus nephritis. Learn about planning a pregnancy when you have lupus.