New Insights into Long-Term Benlysta Treatment in Lupus
Data from people who continually treated their lupus with Benlysta® for several years indicate the drug remains safe after long-term use.
Researchers looked at changes in two key biomarkers over time: B cells and Immunoglobulin G (IgG), two indicators of immune system activity. After 5-6 years of continued Benlysta use, both B cells and IgG decreased, and these reductions were not associated with increased infection risk or any significant changes in the drug’s safety profile.
Additionally, researchers found that people with elevated baseline levels of naïve B cells (a subset of B cells) were more likely to respond better to Benlysta therapy, while those with elevated baseline IgG levels were less likely to respond well to the treatment and had greater rates of infection. The findings suggest that assessing B cell and IgG levels before starting long-term use of Benlysta may help healthcare providers better predict how people will do on the drug and their long-term infection risk.
Learn more about Benlysta.

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