For Someone You Love…
Fran Tsimoyianis is a longtime supporter and national board member of the Lupus Foundation of America. She chooses to support the Foundation because someone she loves has lupus.
Her son Dimitri was just 16 years old he was diagnosed. Since then, Fran has watched her son face kidney failure, undergo two years of chemotherapy and four years of prednisone therapy treatment. Seeing her young son go through these harrowing experiences has been incredibly challenging.
"I could not take my son's medications, I could not endure his chemotherapy treatments, but I could do something"
I choose to support the Lupus Foundation of America - for my son, Dimitri and for every other child that suffers from lupus. I do so for every heartbroken parent and I do so for myself because I will not just sit back and do nothing."
Valentine's Day is a great time to remember someone special in your life - a significant other, child, parent, or special friend - with a gift to the Lupus Foundation of America.
Your gift will honor them by supporting important research, education, advocacy and support programs for the millions of people worldwide affected by this devastating disease.
We hope you follow Fran's example and honor someone you love who has lupus.