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The advancement of medicine depends upon millions of people who volunteer to participate in clinical studies or trials every year. Participating in research is essential for furthering the understanding of lupus and other diseases and, ultimately, leads to more effective treatments.

If you're wondering how clinical trials work, take a look at our frequently asked questions about participating in clinical trials. This includes the basics of clinical trials, how to get started, what is involved in being a part of a clinical trial and more.

Featured clinical trials

In collaboration with research partners, the Lupus Foundation of America goes to great lengths to educate and raise awareness about the rights of clinical trial volunteers, opportunities to engage in research, and the importance of clinical trial participation. Learn more about some of the lupus trials currently enrolling.

Choosing to participate in a study is an important personal decision. Talk with your doctor and family members or friends about deciding to join a study.

Search for clinical trials

Antidote provides a services that allows you to search for clinical trials based on both your location and your specific condition.

    An image of a scientific instrument in a medical research facility
    Match to Clinical Trials in 60 Seconds

    Know your options | Access the latest treatments | Receive world-class care

    About Antidote: Antidote delivers clear, unbiased information about clinical trial options. We aim to match you to the best trial, regardless of sponsor. Find Antidote's privacy policy here.

    Other ways to find clinical trials

    Search these sites to find information about clinical trials near you.

    • - a registry of both publicly and privately supported clinical studies maintained by the US National Institutes of Health.
    • - the largest online listing of industry-sponsored global clinical trials. 
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    Enroll in Patient-Powered Research

    RAY: Research Accelerated by You is a lupus data platform where people with lupus and caregiversprovide information about their lupus experience. Help brighten the future of lupus research.